Energy Safety Canada Fall Protection

This 8 hour training course provides participants with an overall understanding of what is required to use fall protection devices while performing work, or individuals who require a basic knowledge of the principles of fall protection for their roles. This course is created and certified by Energy Safety Canada.

Energy Safety Canada Confined Space Entry

This Confined Space Entry and Monitor course teaches participants to identify, understand, and mitigate the potential hazards of working in restricted and confined spaces. Developed using the Canadian Standards Association™ Z1006-16 Management of Work in Confined Spaces and the Canadian Association of Oil and Gas Producers™ Code of Practice for Read more…

Basic First Aid – One Day: Tuesday

Western Canada Fire and First Aid is an Authorized Training Partner of SAGA Universal Training Corp. Our First Aid course follows the CSA standards Z1210-17 and the Alberta Plus standards approved by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). Including, Level C CPR & AED.

Wildlife Awareness

At the end of this course, the end-user should be familiar with the importance and benefits of wildlife, the controls for dealing with wildlife, the difference between a grizzly bear and a black bear and how to avoid wildlife encounters, or deal with one if it occurs.